Safe Toothpaste For Your Child
Save the smile of your child by preventing cavities as early as possible. Tooth decay in children is a common condition that in some severe cases the teeth cannot be saved and suggest for removal. However, this condition is avoidable by teaching your children good dental habits in their early years.
Dental Consideration:
Start of by using a clean, moist, soft cloth or gauze pad to wipe the gums of newborn babies in their first week. As soon as the baby tooth starts to erupt, it is necessary to begin cleaning by using a soft bristled age-appropriate sized tooth brush. The recommended amount of fluoride toothpaste to use for babies is no more than the size of a grain of rice or a tiny smear of paste. The very small amount of fluoride is enough to spread onto your child’s teeth without worrying of ingesting too much toothpaste. When the child reaches 3 years old, you can increase the amount of fluoride toothpaste to pea-size dollop. In this certain age group, it is advisable to assist them in brushing the teeth as they are not fully equip to brush on their own. Teach them to spit out the excess toothpaste after brushing. Establish a dental visit for your child when the first tooth appears for initial examination and preventive care.
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