The choices of food and drinks you will consume have a direct effect on your overall health, which includes your dental health (teeth and gums). Moreover, if you are suffering from certain dental issues or just had dental procedures, and you want to know what food to eat. Here are some tips for what to eat and what to avoid according to the ADA:
Canker Sores: Spicy foods, acidic foods like pickles and sauerkraut, and citrus fruits can cause oral irritations. If you have canker sores, reduce discomfort by eating bland foods until your sores heal.
If you get mouth sores, try these tips to make eating easier and speed healing:
- Choose cool or room temperature foods.
- Blend and moisten dry or solid foods.
- Drink through a straw to bypass mouth sores.
- Eat high protein, high calorie foods to speed up healing time. For example, add protein powder to milk shakes or powdered dry milk to fortify mashed potatoes and soups.
Dry Mouth: If you suffer from dry mouth, talk to your dentist or doctor it is not part of aging process. Dry mouth can be a sign of certain diseases or can be cause by particular medications or a result of medical treatments. If you have dry mouth:
- don’t use tobacco or drink alcohol
- drink water regularly—with and between meals
- avoid drinks that contain caffeine such as colas, coffee and tea since it can dry out your mouth
- chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless candy to stimulate saliva flow
- avoid spicy or salty foods if they cause pain in your mouth
- Moisten dry foods with soup, broth, gravy, butter or margarine, or sauce. Dip or soak your food in what you are drinking.
Oral Surgery and Implants: Following Oral surgery or dental implants, your dietary nutrition depends on the factors including your nutritional status prior to your procedure, how much impact there is on oral function and how long your recovery is expected to last. A liquid or soft diet may be required for a few days or longer, until your mouth heals, Opt for nutrient rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy foods and lean meats, eggs and beans whenever possible since they provide vitamins, minerals and nutrients needed for healing, including zinc, protein and vitamins A and C.
Braces and Orthodontic Treatments: Any foods that are hard, chewy and sticky, Food, which requires biting to eat, can lead to breaking your braces. However, you can lessen the risk by slicing your food into small bite size, or corn off the cob, meat off the bone. Due to sore teeth after your braces had been tighten, you may experience eating problems. The first few days are the worst, so try eating softer foods until the soreness passes:
Dental Considerations:
Visit your Dentist regularly or ask their advice on any oral or dental issues to make sure your oral health is perfectly in good condition.
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